Danford Law Firm Wins at Texas Supreme Court - More Texas Misdemeanor Arrests Now Eligible for Expunction

Danford Law Firm Jan. 12, 2022

In May 2021, the attorneys at the Danford Law Firm won Ex Parte RPGP at the Texas Supreme Court. In light of the Court’s decision, many more Texans now qualify to have old misdemeanor arrests expunged. 

In the past, courts held that Texans could only get an expunction if every charge stemming from an arrest was eligible for expunction. Because people are commonly arrested for more than one offense at the same time, this line of thinking kept thousands of Texas from being able to clean their records. As a practical matter, it meant that people could not expunge any charge unless every charge was dismissed. 

But, the law has now changed. After almost three years of litigation, the Danford Law Firm won the case Ex Parte RPGP, 623 S.W.3d 313 (Tex. 2021). The Danford Law Firm convinced the Texas Supreme Court that misdemeanor charges can be expunged on an individual basis. Now, Texans can expunge any misdemeanor charge that was dismissed even if they later plead guilty to a different charge as part of a plea agreement. 

Thousands of Texans have dismissed misdemeanor cases in their backgrounds. We encourage all to contact an attorney to begin the process of removing these cases from their records. 

The Danford Law Firm aggressively represents clients charged with DWI and other criminal offenses in Kerrville, Boerne, Fredericksburg and throughout the Texas Hill Country, as well as in San Angelo. Our firm has successfully handled thousands of cases, represented hundreds of clients at trial, and won numerous cases on appeal. If you believe there is an old misdemeanor arrest in your background that may be eligible for expunction, contact our firm today.