Human Smuggling Attorneys in Kerrville, TX


The Texas Hill Country has seen an enormous surge in arrests for the crime of Smuggling of Persons, especially along Interstate 10 around Junction, Kerrville, Fredericksburg, and Boerne, TX.

If you've been charged or arrested for Human Smuggling anywhere in the region, you need an experienced and capable team of attorneys who know the law and know the local system. We at Danford Law Firm have decades of experience in this area and a proven track record of success.

We have all seen tragic events in the news related to human smuggling. But far more often, people are arrested for this crime because a person sitting in their passenger seat turned out to be undocumented. If you have found yourself in such a situation, contact us today. We'll fight for you!

The Law on Human Smuggling

The law states that:

(a) A person commits an offense if the person, with the intent to obtain a pecuniary benefit, knowingly:

(1) uses a motor vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, or other means of conveyance to transport an individual with the intent to:

(A) conceal the individual from a peace officer or special investigator;  or

(B) flee from a person the actor knows is a peace officer or special investigator attempting to lawfully arrest or detain the actor;  or

(2) encourages or induces a person to enter or remain in this country in violation of federal law by concealing, harboring, or shielding that person from detection.

(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree, except that the offense is:

(1) a felony of the second degree if:

(A) the actor commits the offense in a manner that creates a substantial likelihood that the smuggled individual will suffer serious bodily injury or death;  or

(B) the smuggled individual is a child younger than 18 years of age at the time of the offense;  or

(2) a felony of the first degree if:

(A) it is shown on the trial of the offense that, as a direct result of the commission of the offense, the smuggled individual became a victim of sexual assault, as defined by Section 22.011, or aggravated sexual assault, as defined by Section 22.021; or

(B) the smuggled individual suffered serious bodily injury or death.

Potential Defenses

If you are facing human smuggling charges, there are potential defenses that could win your case. For example, there is an exception in the law for people who were caught transporting family members within the second degree of consanguinity. The state must also prove that the individuals were "concealed." The Fourth Amendment also applies, and if the police stopped the vehicle or searched it illegally, then the case could be thrown out.

Serious Consequences Require Serious Representation

At Danford Law Firm, our attorneys have successfully handled thousands of cases, represented hundreds of clients at trial, and won numerous cases on appeal. As a local firm with a national reputation, we have the skill and and tenacity you need. If you've been charged or arrested for Smuggling of Persons anywhere in the Hill Country, contact us today. We fight for clients in Kerrville, Fredericksburg, Junction, Boerne, and throughout the region.

Contact Us Today

(830) 510-1383

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Human Smuggling Attorneys in Kerrville, TX

We know how to fight for and protect our clients' rights. If you've been charged with Smuggling of Persons, contact us today. Our attorneys represent clients accused of Human Smuggling in Kimble County, TX, Kerr County, TX, Gillespie County, TX, and Kendall County, Texas.